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What do we do?

In short, digital marketing! For years we searched for the right online business model and tried many... Just before we were about to give up, we stumbled across digital products and the business model just makes sense. 

So what type of digital products do we sell?

A couple of different ones actually! 

Products with Master Resell Rights attached, digital products guides, ebooks, mentorship programs, the sky is the limit with digital products! 

What does Master Resell Rights stand for?

Master Resell Rights are the distribution rights attached to the Business Development Course and Social Media & Digital Products Course that we have on offer. The distribution rights attached mean that we are able to sell the products as our own, meaning 100% of the sale comes directly to us. Thats right, there is no upsells, no upgrades, no fees, no nothing! You buy it once, sell it once you get your investment back, sell it twice you're in front! PLUS you can sell it as many times as you choose! 

From the date of our first sale we had made $40k in less than 40 days from MRR. 

Educate yourself and make money at the same time? Win, win if you ask me!!

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